
Affichage des articles du janvier, 2022

Jackie Kay's Other Lovers

Other Lovers and Bessie Smith Here is an  interview with Jackie Kay , from March 2016: "Opening one of Jackie Kay’s books is like walking into a busy metropolitan bar that has accommodated within its walls the deep past, character and charm of a country pub. You know you will encounter stories comic and sad, that you will never leave thirsty, and that the mind will feel renewed with the spirit, musicality and colour of life. Kay’s output is too prolific to give but a précis. Her second poetry book, Other Lovers (1993), explored the impact of colonialism and slavery on black culture, and it was a topic she returned to in her play The Lamplighter (2008). She has a written a sequence of poems about Bessie Smith, and she also wrote a biographical portrait of the great blues singer, which was published in 1997.  ----------- A key message from the article is that "Jazz and blues have been a lifelong love" of Jackie Kay. This is a good starting point to the collection...which

Tragic Events...

  Dorian Gray’s Family Tree After re-reading Chapter 3, answer the following questions and prepare a dialogue summarizing the information? Dorian’s Grandfather : What does Queen’s questions reveal about his grandfather: Dorian’s Mother : Describe her with quotes:  Dorian’s Father: Describe him with quotes: Life and death: How did the father die? How was the grandfather involved? How did his mother have to do after his death and how did she react? What happened to the mother in the end? Who is Selby? Society: Is Dorian rich or poor? Explain… Perfect… Why does Lord Henry Wotton describe “Dorian Gray’s parentage… as an almost modern romance” and why does it make Dorian “more perfect”? Task: Complete ONE of the following TWO tasks: 1. Create and record a dialogue between Lord Henry and Basil Hallward wherein Henry explains to Basil why he believes Dorian’s parentage makes him ‘perfect.’ Record your conversation as an audio file. or 2. Create and record the thoughts/interviews of a journali

Blog work on Key Issues

Blog Homework. Answer the 10 following questions in sentence form. If you want to type your answers, I would advise you to 'copy and paste' the following information into a Word document (save it immediately) and then start work :-) Key Issue 1 1. A challenge, follow the “History of Vampires” link to find out why the following mention is so important:  1748 Der Vampir , Heinrich August Ossenfelder.  2. Complete the blanks: It makes us wonder about our place as humans in society. We can question, how long until we ___________ to what we have always __________? Key Issue 2 1. What is the difference between a female victim and a heroine in Gothic literature? 2. Are children in gothic literature given stereotypical gender roles?` Key Issue 3 1. Fill in the blanks:     This fits with the general feeling of the ___________Victorian period: in a mechanical life, men and women are losing their roles and feeling ____________. Gothic literature