Key Point Blog Entry # 2

Key Points on Gothic Literature
Blog Entry number two

Complete your original blog entry by explaining the link between your Key Issue and Picture of Dorian Gray. Your work will be posted on the blog. 

You can use bullet points/ include quotes/ give your opinion/include links to outside research.... 

The idea is to create a blog entry that ALL students in the class can use to revise later (you know, for the final exams this time next year !!). 

As we are at the end of the semester, no grades will be rewarded for this work... but still do it to a high standard !

Email me at gmail when your work is done.


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Key Issue Seven: Power and menace in Gothic writing (Alexis / Liam / Malo)

Key Issue Eight: Melodrama and Realism in Gothic Writing (Milla and Madeleine)

Key Issue Six : Heroes and villains in Gothic writing (Daniel / Lilas / Eléonore)