Work to replace class on May 5th, 2022 and Homework for 19 May

Work to replace class on May 5th 2022:

First of all, I am so sorry for being absent today. I do hope that you understand that, as we do not have class next Thursday (as the Terminale students have their exams), it is important for you to do this work at home.

Work for Jackie Kay’s Adoption Papers collection. 

1. Page by page, extract the key quotes which tell us the story behind each of the 3 speakers:
the daughter, the adoptive mother and the birth mother. Advice: Copy and paste this information onto a Word document and continue the work I have started. Only write down the quotes which helps us construct the biographies/motivations of each character. Sometimes, you will only need one or two quotes per page. Note the page numbers. You can also paraphrase sections. The point - for you to have revision material which is easy to use and to access.

Adoptive mother:
“always wanted to give birth” (15)
“in the early sixties there was / something scandalous about adopting” (15)
She feels being unable to have her own child is a “secret failure” (15)
When Jackie was born, she traveled from “Glasgow to Edinburgh” to stare at her in the incubator (15)
Even though Jackie was a sick baby, she would “not pick another baby” for adoption (15)

Her birth was difficult: “forceps” (15)
She spent “four months inside a glass cot,” an incubator (15)
Birth mother:
Speaks when Jackie Kay is “26 years old,” and when she is an older woman: her “hair is grey” and her skin “wrinkling” (15)

Homework for 19 May:

Dorian Gray: reread the end of the novel. There will be a quick quiz on chapters 11-20, multiple answer questions and short answer questions (no essay), at the beginning of the class.


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