
Affichage des articles du septembre, 2022

Augustin's Notes on Dracula, Chapter 3: Horror

  Chapter 3 Dracula Horror : graphic depictions of violence + supernatural intervention / death + degradation Terror (which gothic writers Ann Radcliff considered superior): sense of dread unknown. Obscurity is necessary. Dread : fear of what will happen next “Dread of this place” (p41) and “a dread_ loneliness” (the use of the noun dread as an adjective emphasizes the importance of these two words). Madness: “May I not go mad, if I am not already mad” (p43)  In the 19 th century gothic, the body itself is the site of haunting and transgressed.  Ch. 3 brings a weird contact with the idea of terror and horror (see difference in the definitions above).  Task: find quotes supporting those thesis Jonathan: Helpless “behaved like a rat in a trap” (p.34) -> animal imagery, and a trapped rat is dead “I was a prisoner” (p.34) “I am in prison” (p.34) “I am deceived like a baby” (p. 34) -> being a baby is not a good thing in that novel “My helplessness overpowered all other feelings” (

Online version of the book

 Hello, To be honest about things and so you know, many students are  using this online version of Dracula in class.  Hope it helps ! :-) Mrs C

Describing Dracula (ch 2)

The Doors: When You're a Stranger  has great lyrics for this chapter.... Hint: Enjoy this 1980's film, Lost Boys . Sana has written a clever summary of Dracula's appearance: In the second chapter of the Gothic novel, Dracula, the audience gets to take a closer look at the Count. Through Johnathan Harker’s diary we get a glimpse of his “first” encounter with Dracula that takes place on May the 5th. According to Jonathan Dracula has a long thin nose “high bridge of the thin nose and peculiarly arched nostrils”, a protruding forehead “lofty domed forehead”, sharp teeth “peculiarly sharp white teeth [...] protuberant teeth”, bushy eyebrows and mustache “his eyebrows were very massive [...] under the heavy moustache”, cruel looking mouth and red lips “the mouth [...] rather cruel looking [...] the lips, whose remarkable ruddiness showed”, a totally pale complexion “his ears were pale [...] the back of his hands [...] they had seemed rather white”, and finally sharp fingernails

Festival du Film Fantastique

  The European Fantastic Film Festival is on in Strasbourg  for the next 2 weeks in Strasbourg... and they are showing Dracula !

Jackie Kay : plan for class on Friday 16 September

Class on Friday 16 September In turn, each group will give a short presentation teaching us about their poems from Severe Gale 8. Each presentation should begin with a reading. Presentation order. 1.  8h10-8h20/25 Summer Storm, Capolona (p47) 2. 8h25-8h40 In the Seventh Year (p50) 3. 8h40-9h Whilst Leila Sleeps (p65) 4. 9h05-9h25 The collection of 3 dramatic monologues on AIDS. In preparation for the Jackie Kay written paper scheduled for Friday 23 September. 2 hour exam (8h-10h, arrive early/start early !). Open book - you can bring your photocopied poems, class notes, and your copy of Darling . You can hand write or type your paper.  You will have a choice of three questions. Themes which can be of interest? Exploration of gender Exploration of identity Racism Adoption Feelings of not belonging/belonging Black Atlantic The Natural World Memory Family / Family relationship Music Voices Choices Love Melancholy Hope  Acceptance ADVICE Remember, trust your instincts but avoid retelling

Jackie Kay and Severe Gale 8

Severe Gale 8 A recording of the daily Shipping Forecast , which Scottish people will hear on the radio... which refers to Gale Forces. This collection captures many of the stormier moments in daily life... and is more ominous in tone. A more personal social commentary on life in Britain in the 1970's and 1980's. The tone is darker and sadder than other collections, and contains a multiplicity of different voices (that often lead us wondering who is the speaker. Indeed, we do have to pay attention to a) the speaker's voice (autobiographical or fictional?), b) themes and c) the different types of poems in this collection. Kay is exploring important social themes of 1970's and 1980's Britain (Severe Gale 8 was published in 1991): Margaret Thatcher Poll Tax Poverty Aids/ HIV   Scottish reactions to Homosexual relations  To explore these themes she uses creates  Dramatic monologues noun   a poem in the form of a speech or narrative by an imagined person, in which the sp

Introduction to Dracula and Bram Stoker

Dracula and Historical Context Dracula  fitted into the literary scene in 1897 when it was published, as other writers were also exploring similar ideas: fabulous and dangerous creatures that come from far away place to trouble Victorian Britain and its industrial and industrious culture. These writers included: H. Rider Haggard (She) Rudyard Kipling (the Beast People in The Island of Doctor Moreau) Robert Louis Stevenson (The Strange Tale of Jekyll and Hyde) H. G. Wells Oscar Wilde (The Picture of Dorian Gray) Colonisation had brought Britain an Empire upon which the sun never set... but also the fear that ' reverse colonisation ' could also damage them in terrible, terrible ways. Joseph Conrad (Heart of Darkness) saw Africa and India as "the dark places of the earth." Would  What are interesting traits of Dracula? He has never left Transylvania, but then fits into English life very easily. Meanwhile, Jonathon leaves England for the first time and then is very u

A Dracula Festival in the North-East of Scotland

 Hello everyone, I grew up in the north-east of Scotland and regularly visited Slains Castle and the nearby beaches. Why is this interesting? Because Bram Stoker was said to have been inspired by this castle when he 'created' Dracula's lair. This October, the region is organising a festival to celebrate all this Dracula ! The Scotsman has published a thorough article on Stoker's links to the region.  We'll keep an eye on the event to see if they publish any interesting extra information. Kind regards, Mrs C

Planner for first semester of Terminale

  Right, now let's get down to business. First, I would like you each to purchase a copy of Darling, New  and Selected Poems, Jackie Kay   as quickly as possible. Please bring your copy to class each week (or leave your copy in the class cupboard). Second, here is our schedule for semester one: Friday 2 September: welcome back to class !  "Dracula"  by Jackie Kay and quick Dracula test. Thursday 8 September:  Dracula and Gothic writing /Victorian era Friday 9 September:   Severe Gale 8  by Jackie Kay Thursday 15 September: Dracula analysis of Ch 1 + 2 Friday 16 September:  Severe Gale 8  by Jackie Kay presentations and then some of  Off Colour (1998) by Jackie Kay. Instructions for written paper on Friday 23 September. Thursday 22 September: Dracula Friday 23 September: in-class written assignment on Darling, New and Selected Poems , Jackie Kay (20 points Pronote) Thursday 29 September: Dracula Friday 30 September: Of Colour  (plus Divorce) Jackie Kay poems handed

Studying in an English-speaking country.

 If you are interested in studying in an English-speaking country (England, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Wales, Australia, America, Canada... but also the Netherlands, Sweden and other EU countries with English language programmes), you should really start organising your thoughts. There are lots of ways to start your research, and the Internet is your friend. For the UK, for example, use Use their search function  "All Results" to begin with (and then check box, courses for 2023-2024) If I look for "Philosophy"and then choose "Aberdeen" I can learn all about t he programme and the requirements ... including their international language requirements .  The University of Aberdeen, for example, also has a page just for French applicants  and the requirements are :  Baccalauréat or Option Internationale If you are not sure where the location is, use Google Maps ... and visit the area. Find about transport from Uk to France. You&#


  Is there a better way to start the year than knowing YATS are preparing their next show! What is the name of the show? Guys and Dolls ! When is it ? In October. Where is the theatre?  Le Point d'Eau - Petite Salle   ,  17 allée René Cassin, Ostwald Where can you buy tickets? Here  !