Describing Dracula (ch 2)

The Doors: When You're a Stranger has great lyrics for this chapter....

Hint: Enjoy this 1980's film, Lost Boys.

Sana has written a clever summary of Dracula's appearance:

In the second chapter of the Gothic novel, Dracula, the audience gets to take a closer look at the

Count. Through Johnathan Harker’s diary we get a glimpse of his “first” encounter with Dracula that

takes place on May the 5th. According to Jonathan Dracula has a long thin nose “high bridge of the thin

nose and peculiarly arched nostrils”, a protruding forehead “lofty domed forehead”, sharp teeth

“peculiarly sharp white teeth [...] protuberant teeth”, bushy eyebrows and mustache “his eyebrows were

very massive [...] under the heavy moustache”, cruel looking mouth and red lips “the mouth [...] rather

cruel looking [...] the lips, whose remarkable ruddiness showed”, a totally pale complexion “his ears were

pale [...] the back of his hands [...] they had seemed rather white”, and finally sharp fingernails to match

his pointed ears. Harker also makes a remark on the Count’s breath and strength, his breath was fetid,

and he seemed to have the strength of 20 men combined: “his breath was rank, but a horrible feeling of

nausea came over me” and “his hands touched me, I could not repress a shudder”. Although Dracula

appears well-mannered and welcoming, there is something about him that inspires fear in Jonathan.

Moreover, Harker comments that he felt weirdly repulsed by the Count, before knowing the Count’s truth.

Finally, Dracula has characteristics that alarm the reader and everyone that encounters him, his overall

presence is unsettling and uncomfortable.

Here are Jo's notes:


Description of Dracula:

“a tall old man, clean shaven save for a long white moustache, and clad in black from head to foot, without a single speck of color about him anywhere.” – “excellent English but with a strange intonation” – “stood like a statue” – “the hand of a dead than a living man” – “his face was a strong aquiline, with high bridge of the thin nose and peculiarly arched nostrils (like the castle kinda); with lofty domed forehead, and hair growing scantily around his temples, but profusely everywhere else” – “massive eyebrows” – “the mouth […] was fixed and rather cruel-looking, with peculiarly white sharp teeth” – “pale ears” – “cheeks firm though thin” – “the general effect was one of extraordinary pallor”

His attitude: “bowed in a courtly way” – “graceful wave of his hand” – “charming smile” – “he saluted me in a hearty way”

“there was no reflection of him in the mirror” – “that vague feeling of uneasiness which I always have when the Count is near”

AFTER THE MIRROR INCIDENT: “his eyes blazed with a sort of demoniac furry” – the crucifix had an action on him when he touched it 🡪 back to normal - 

Description of his castle: 

As soon as chap 2 begins we approach Dracula’s castle. Jonathan didn’t realize he arrived = maybe Dracula hypnotized him so he doesn’t know how he got there = he can’t escape.

“The castle is on the very edge of a terrible precipice” 

“there is something so strange about this place and all in it that I cannot but feel uneasy”

“remarkable place” - the gloom makes the courtyard seem bigger – “great rounds arches” (🡪 cathedral, church) – “great door, old and studded with large iron nails, and set in a projecting doorway of massive stone” 🡪 everything is huge – “dark openings” – “frowning walls and dark window openings” – “rattling chains and the clanking of massive bolts” 

Inside the castle: lots of doors, of passages, of stairs. “great bedroom” for Jonathan, “extraordinary evidences of wealth” – big library with English books and magazines – “locked doors” – “doors, doors, doors everywhere, and all locked and bolted”


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