
Affichage des articles du novembre, 2022

Dracula: Chapter 9

Ch 9 The importance of friendship, of sharing one's thoughts, and reactions to the natural world. The idea of being "interested" in madness. Movement of all characters    Mina writes to Lucy from Budapest. .. where she has traveled to meet Jonathan who is "so pale and thin-looking." He is a "wreck of himself" (like the boats in previous chapter). Sister Agatha says the "ravings of the sick were the secrets of God"   and that J's "fear was of great and terrible things, which no mortal can treat of" (p114). Mina's real name is Wilhelmina.. Jonathan gives Mina his journal so that she can share in his secrets and his ignorance.. and to marry him that very afternoon ! She agrees to marry him, but NOT to read the journal which she wraps up as a "visible sign that they trust each other" (p116). Odd sentence, Jonathan says he would go though "all the past again to win" her love and trust, and Mina thinks he means

Dracula. Chapter 8

 Mina's Journal Note: pay attention to how the women are portrayed and use of setting. " I believe we should have shocked the "New Women" with our appetites " - Mina starts by mocking teh New Woman... creating the interesting question: To what degree does she become a New Woman during the text? " the silver light of the moon (earlier " sharp as a sword ") struck a half-reclining figure, snowy white " = Lucy. " Something dark " stood behind her and then bent over. " The town seemed dead "  and there was " not a sign of a living thing ." (p101). Lucy then rose " with the obedience of a child ." They got home without " meeting a soul " The scar on her neck... (p103) Days and nights pass, with Lucy trying to escape the room at night... and with her leaning out of the window and attracting the attention of " a great bat " (p104). Seeing the dark stranger with " flaming red eyes..

Dracula: Chapter 7

 Chapter 7 Key points: Personification of the natural world /Importance of Setting and how it affects people of a "sensitive nature." Juxtaposition of God vs Hell Passing of time / The storm takes its time to arrive Multiplication of voices/narrators to increase credibility of these scenes. In the afternoon , the weather is initially "sultry/holiday-makers/steamer and day-tripper weather," and "particularly fine." Then, those in the churchyard could see a "sudden show of mares' tales" and "an old fisherman" noted the "coming of a sudden storm." Then we have a sunset which is "so very beautiful" `. See the colourful descriptions, full of golds and yellows and oranges and then note the "mass of seemingly absolute blackness" that surrounds it (p86). At midnight, the sea is "dead calm" and the air filled with a "sultry heat" which effects who? People of a "sensitive nature."

Chapter 6: Miss Mina's Journal and Dr Seward's musings on Renfield

Chapter Six.   Whitby , Miss Mina's Journals 24 July. A lovely description of Whitby, its bay and its ruined castle. Note how the description is full of ghost stories and murder stories and gravestones  Mina finds the "big graveyard full of tombstones" the "nicest spot in Whitby" (p72) She describes the "funny old man" (p72), the "Sir Oracle," who is Mr. Swales. Read his text aloud, remember he is over a hundred years old, and hear him laughing about Judgement Day when all the bodies will try and carry their gravestones with them to show the Lord how good (cough) they were in life.... (p74) He also points out that many of the coffins/tombs lie empty... even though the tombstones suggest otherwise (p75). Note, he talks of ghosts, and Judgement day, and hell, and suicide, and family relations and places them all on the same level. From the way he speaks, hell and Judgement Day exist as much as anything else. In such a world, Dracula can already

Chapter 5 : Letters and Diaries

 First 3 letters between Lucy and Mina: Miss Mina Murray We learn that Mina  is assistant school mistress builds castles in the air (imaginative) has been "working very hard recently" (industrious) has been "practising short hand" and can use a type writer wants to be "useful" to her fiancé Jonathan Harker keeps a diary/journal and writes letters thinks "it must be nice to see strange countries." Miss Lucy Westenra We learn that Lucy shall be 20 in September has received 3 proposals (AMerican Mr. Morris, Arthur Holmwood and Dr Seward) Engaged to Arthur Holmwood (the tall curly-haired man) does not think that Dr Seward can read her thoughts thinks she is a "tough nut to crack" thinks that Dr Seward thinks she is a "curious pyschological study." thinks "dress is a bore" - hat fashion is uninteresting Arthur Holmwood Lucy's finacé he and Lucy's mama get on well together - they have a lot in common Dr John Seward

Samedi 19 November !

  Chères et chers collègues, Conformément à notre agenda et dans le cadre de notre programme d’éducation à l’orientation, nous organisons à l’attention des élèves de Terminales du lycée international des Pontonniers, comme chaque année, une séquence d’information sur les classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles et leurs débouchés, ainsi que sur les filières universitaires à recrutement spécifique. Deux séquences d'une heure sont prévues samedi 19 novembre de 10h à 11h puis de 11h à 12h afin que les élèves puissent assister à 2 ateliers d’une durée de 50 minutes de leurs choix. Tous les cours de Terminale de ce samedi 19 novembre de 10h à 12h sont donc banalisés et les professeurs concernés libérés. Les élèves sont invités à s’inscrire via Pronote à compter du mercredi 9 novembre au mardi 15 novembre 2022 à 14h. Les listes par ateliers seront affichées en vie scolaire à compter du jeudi 17 novembre. Merci à tous les collègues enseignants de terminale, et plus particulièrement les pr