Chapter 6: Miss Mina's Journal and Dr Seward's musings on Renfield

Chapter Six.

 Whitby, Miss Mina's Journals

24 July.

A lovely description of Whitby, its bay and its ruined castle.

Note how the description is full of ghost stories and murder stories and gravestones 

Mina finds the "big graveyard full of tombstones" the "nicest spot in Whitby" (p72)

She describes the "funny old man" (p72), the "Sir Oracle," who is Mr. Swales.

Read his text aloud, remember he is over a hundred years old, and hear him laughing about Judgement Day when all the bodies will try and carry their gravestones with them to show the Lord how good (cough) they were in life.... (p74)

He also points out that many of the coffins/tombs lie empty... even though the tombstones suggest otherwise (p75).

Note, he talks of ghosts, and Judgement day, and hell, and suicide, and family relations and places them all on the same level. From the way he speaks, hell and Judgement Day exist as much as anything else. In such a world, Dracula can already exist p76-77).

Dr Seward's journal of Renfield (p77).

Renfield shows "selfishness, secrecy and purpose" (p77)

He catches flies, then spiders, then ate them... saying, "that it was very wholesome, that it was life, strong life, and gave life to him" (p78)

He "keeps a little notebook in which he is always jotting something down" (p78)

There is "method in his madness" (p78)

He starts collecting sparrows and wants a kitten...or a cat!

Seward decides Renfield is undeveloped homocidal maniac."

Renfield then seems to have eaten his sparrows... as he throws them up !

Seward creates a new classification for him: zoophagous (life-eating) maniac (p80)

Note the very odd conclusion to this entry p80

He compares himself to Renfield as both collect data or 'begin new records'... and then he talks about the day the "Great Recorder" (God/Death?) "sums him up and closes his ledger".

Furthermore Seward wishes he could have "as strong a cause" as Renfield, his "poor mad friend."

Miss Mina's Journal

26 July.

She is "unhappy about Lucy and about Jonathan."

Jonathan is no longer sending mail from Count Dracula's and Lucy... has started sleep-walking again (though her anaemic look has been replaced with rosy cheeks...)..

A storm is on its way (p82) and old man Swales gives another speech (p83)

The arrival of a "strange ship" (p83)

The ship is "Russian and she is knocking about in queerest way..." (note; they have personified the ship).

Homework for next Thursday, read ch7 and ch. 8

Take notes like I taken, extracting key moments and key quotes.

Be ready to present your findings to the class.


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