Dracula ch 13-15


Chapter 13

Complete the following quotes:

Lucy in her burial chamber, p175

Who will Lucy be buried with? p174

The professor Van Helsing bent back the sheet and "we both started at the ________ before us"because "all Lucy's _______ had come back to her in _______."

Van Helsing puts what onto on her bed? (p176)

 John says, "Why mutilate her poor body without need? ... Without such (need)it is monstrous" p176.

What is monstrous.... ? (p176).

Val Helsing replies "Friend John, I pity your poor bleeding _____; and I love you the more because it does bleed" (p176). Again, such statements make him resemble which character? ________.

Lucy did what before she died? She ______ Van Helsing for his work (p177).

What happens to the items placed in Lucy's room? The woman who ________ the dead and the _______. (p178).

Arthur arrives, and says "the whole of ____seems to have gone from me all at once, and there is _____ in the wide world for me to ____ for" (p180).

When he sees Lucy he asks, "Is she really _____ ?" (p180) and then ____ her dead hand and forehand.

Who becomes a Lord? (p181) and why?

What is his new name, and what might it symbolise?

How does this make him similar to Dracula, and/or why is this detail importance in a gothic novel?

Note, he also inherits Mrs Westnra and so Lucy's estate... think about the extra power he gains, from death.

Mina Harker's Journal p (182) 

Who else is observing the pretty girl she sees in the street? (p185) and where are she and Jonathon at that moment?

Write out the quote that describes the person she sees... (bottom p185).

Jonathan says, I believe it is the ______, but he has grown _____ (p184).

What does Jonathan immediately do ? 

Dr Seward's Diary.

Dr Seward comments that "if American keeps on breading me like ____, she will be a power in the world indeed." p185

Why does Van helsing's face go white when Arthur says he felt "married" to Lucy after giving her his blood...? p185

Van Helsing then laughs and cries "just like a ____" does (p186).

Has Van Helsing ever had any children? p186

Choose a quote about King Laugh that seems particularly poignant... (p186-187)

Okay, here comes a dark joke:

Val Helsing says Lucy, thinking about the fact she received the blood of three men: "this sweet maid is a ________, and me, with my poor wife dead to me, but alive by Church's law, though no wits all gone - even I, who am faithful husband to this now-no-wife, am a bigamist. 

Hmm.. for once, follow this link to find out what he means...

Hampstead Mystery

Describe the events surrounding the "Bloofer Lady"in two to three sentences.

This article suggestions that more attention should be paid to the Bloofer lady and the fact this is a "favourite game of the little ones." What is so monstrous about this scene?

Chapter 14

How does Mina plan to get ready for Dracula? She shall get her ______ and start __________ p192. 

How does Mina feel after meeting Van Helsing?  It made (her) head_____ round p193.

How does she describe Van Helsing? p194

Are there similarities between his appearance and that of Dracula?

What taste does she have in her mouth when she gives Helsing the shorthand transcript? It is the taste of the _________ that still remains in ____ mouths p195. What on earth does that mean? 

Can Val Helsing read shorthand? 

What does he says when he gets the readable copy? This paper is as _________ ... you are one of the _______ p196... you are of ____ nature p197.

What does she then give Van Helsing? Jonathon's ______ when abroad, typed in longhand (p199).

Jonathan Harker's Journal.

Jonathon admits he felt "_________, and in the dark, and distrustful."

Yet, he feels "      " and all because he received Van Helsing's letter.

he says that Mina is "one of ____'s women, fashioned by His own hand to show us men and womenthat there is a heaven where we can enter."p200

Dr Seward's Diary.

"Everything is now re__________" p203

Does Dr Seward understand what has really happened to Lucy at this point ? p203

Van Helsing tells Dr Seward's that there "are always mysteries in life" . Can you list a number of the mysteries/ideas he lists and/or explain on p204-205?

dr Seward asks is "such a thing here in ______ in the ___________ century" p203. Why is this quote so important?

What is Van Helsing's thesis? He wants Dr Seward to_______ in things he cannot ______.

Including the bites in the children's necks were made by ___________ p206.

Chapter 15

Find the quote from Lord Byron, and its source p 207

Now, write a short summary of Van Helsing and Dr Seward's visit to the hospital and then to the crypt p208-212.

What is Van Helsing holding in his arms? p212

What do they do with 'it'? p212

How does Lucy look when they finally open her coffin and find her inside? p213

Why is Lucy different from the other vampires ? p214

What does Van Helsing plan to do.... ?

What does he say about the undead and about Dracula in his letter to Dr Seward? p216-217

What is Dr Seward to do if Van Helsing doesn't survive the night? p217?

Stop here... we'll begin again with Dr Seward's diary that starts on p217 and ends at end of chapter 16. 


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