Planner for January and February 2023

Planner for January and February 2023

Thursday 5 January: Jackie Kay - "Gap Year" - and select poems we would like to study in class (Adoption papers...) 

Friday 6 January: Dracula Ch 13- 15

Thursday 12 January: Jackie Kay: Adoption Papers

Friday 13 January: Dracula Ch 16

Gothic dress up day (plus food). Dracula Ch. 16 

In research project connecting your Key Issue to the wider topic of Gothic art and literature and film. Details will follow but know I want all the written work to be done by you and NOT copied from original sources. Focus on set OIB texts. (20 points Pronote for your group)

Thursday 19 January: Jackie Kay

Friday 20 January: Dracula Ch. 17-19

Thursday 26 January Jackie Kay

Fin du semestre (18 weeks of school done)

Friday 27 January: Dracula  Ch 20 -22

Thursday 2 February: Jackie Kay

Friday 3 February: Dracula Ch 23-27

Semaine du Bac. Blanc : Written paper on Jackie Kay


Develop research and understanding of chosen texts: Dracula, Dorian Gray and Jackie Kay.

First week back:

Thursday 27 Feb.: Kay Bac. Blanc papers returned

Friday 28 Feb. : QCM/Multiple choice test on knowledge of Dorian Gray and Dracula (only information inside novels, not class work).

March-April 2023.

Thursday Classes will continue to be on Jackie Kay

Friday classes we will compare Dorian Gray and Dracula, before beginning oral exam practice.


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Key Issue Seven: Power and menace in Gothic writing (Alexis / Liam / Malo)

Key Issue Eight: Melodrama and Realism in Gothic Writing (Milla and Madeleine)

Key Issue Six : Heroes and villains in Gothic writing (Daniel / Lilas / Eléonore)