
Affichage des articles du mai, 2022

Homework for our last class, 2 June 2022

1. Read through Jackie Kay's collection Gale Force 8. Decide poem do you find the most interesting, and why.  Be ready to explain your choice in front of the class. This article gives you good background information 2. Reread Adoption Papers Choose one of the 3 characters. Be ready to be interviewed by the class, as if you were that person. For example, where were you living when the baby was born?  How did you feel at that time of you life? How did you feel when you met your birth mother? 3. Dorian Gray In your Key Point groups, be ready to give a 5 minute presentation on your KP + Dorian Gray

Key Point Blog Entry # 2

Key Points on Gothic Literature Blog Entry number two Complete your original blog entry by explaining the link between your Key Issue and Picture of Dorian Gray . Your work will be posted on the blog.  You can use bullet points/ include quotes/ give your opinion/include links to outside research....  The idea is to create a blog entry that ALL students in the class can use to revise later (you know, for the final exams this time next year !!).  As we are at the end of the semester, no grades will be rewarded for this work... but still do it to a high standard ! Email me at gmail when your work is done.

Work to replace class on May 5th, 2022 and Homework for 19 May

Work to replace class on May 5th 2022: First of all, I am so sorry for being absent today. I do hope that you understand that, as we do not have class next Thursday (as the Terminale students have their exams), it is important for you to do this work at home. Work for Jackie Kay’s Adoption Papers collection.  1. Page by page, extract the key quotes which tell us the story behind each of the 3 speakers: the daughter, the adoptive mother and the birth mother. Advice: Copy and paste this information onto a Word document and continue the work I have started. Only write down the quotes which helps us construct the biographies/motivations of each character. Sometimes, you will only need one or two quotes per page. Note the page numbers. You can also paraphrase sections. The point - for you to have revision material which is easy to use and to access. Adoptive mother: “always wanted to give birth” (15) “in the early sixties there was / something scandalous about adopting” (15) She feels be