Dracula Ch19-22

Chapter 19

J Harker's journal

 - I am so glad that Mina consented to hold back and let us men do the work (p264)

Renfield - the sanest lunatic, even though he calls D "Lord and Master"

Van Helsing "we needs arms of many kinds" to protect us from his touch: garlic,crucifixes" (264-265)

Van Helsing says the following, as they enter the chapen at Carfx (Dracula's new resting place):

"Into thy hands, O Lord" (in Latin) Luke 23: 46

The dust and gothic grime of the setting: I could not for my life get away from the feeling that there was someone else amongst us" (p266).

The smell:  stagnant and foul.

Important: Every breath exhaled by taht monster seemed to have clung to the place and intensified its loathsomeness (p267).

29/50 of "great earth chests" are in Carfax (p268).

Although there is "no hiding place", they feel they can see D's face. (Dracula is inside the setting)

Rats and dogs ! Read p268-269 !Rats were multiplying in their thousands ....and teh dogs are howling.

When the rats go, so too does the "evil presence". 

They explore the house which has "no presence," unlike the chapel.

Step one has been accomplished, without troubling sweet Mina (p270).

It has given us the chance to call "check" in some ways in this chess game (p270)

They return to Mina who is sleeping very deeply (is she still breathing ?)

Jonathan swears their work should remain like a "sealed book" to her...or until the "earth is free from a monster of the nether world" (p271).

When Mina is woken the following afternoon she looks ate J "with a sort of blank terror" and seemed to have been "waked from a bad dream" (p271).

Dr Seward's Diary

Talking about Renfield, they note that "mental illness makes such a fascinating study" (p272)

A moment later, Renfield mocks their "idiotic brain theories" (p272) and calls V. Helsing a "thick-headed Dutchman."

Dr Seward agrees that Mina should be kept out of the picture: things are bad enough to us, all men of the world,.. but it is no place for a woman" (p273).

Mina's Journal

Mina "it is strange for me to be kept in the dark" (p273).

Mina goes to bed "because the men told her too"...but felt anxious rather than sleep (274).

"Crying" is "one of the lessons that we poor women have to learn" (p274). 

She hears "praying on a tumultuous scale"  from Renfield.

Looks out the window and sees the "black shadows are full of a silent mystery of their own" (p274).

Dracula arrives as mist (274)... Renfield pleads and falls silent, and then Mina falls asleep and dreams...

In her dreams, she sees the mist "which has the energy of boiling water" (p275).

The smoke forms a biblical pillar (!) with a red dot at the top, and she faints.

The next day Renfield kisses her hand and says "God bless" you. 

As she is crying when the men come home, they "send her to bed."

She takes an opiate, which she fears in "foolish" (277).

Chapter 20

Team ONE: Augustin's team

Jonathan Harker's Journal p278-286: Mr Smollet and D's plans for London, a letter from Sam Bloxam, the old house in Piccadilly (with and without D present),  visit to Sackville street, (how Lord Goldalming's name gains him access to information, and thus power. See p291/2 for details), Purfleet, and back to Mina.

On page 285, Jonathan H. explains to the other men how he has spent his day. 

Your task, and using online maps and also Google Maps for help, give such feedback to the class.

Team TWO: Liam's team

pDr Seward's Journal p286-91/292

On page 290, Dr Seward gives a summary of Renfield's behaviour to Van Helsing. Explain the recent details of his "curious case" to V.H., and his opinion of souls,  eating vs drinking, and his problems.

In particular, review the details of Renfield's "story" (p290)

Key Seward Quote: "I sometimes think we must all be mad and that we shall all wake to sanity in strait-waistcoats" (p292).

Public apology: I really thought Renfield had worked with Dracula (like Jonathan). Apparently, I'm mistaken... this was a detail in the film.

Chapter 21

Team THREE: Malo's team

Dr Seward 294-300

He opens by saying "let me put down in exactness all that happened, since last I made an entry" (p294).. especially as Renfield has now had a terrible accident and "his words may be worth many lives". His talk of dreams, or rather "grim reality" (p296).

Find out about the "death's head moth" (p297) and the promises Dracula made him (298). Note that Dracula, like the Moon, would come in though the cracks in"all hers size and splendour" .. just as Mina does (p298). 

Note how he prefers people "with lots of blood in them" than "pale people" (p299).

Team FOUR: Sorcadh and Jo's team

Dr Seward p300-307

The group of men now know Mina is in danger but what do they do next. Jonathan awakes after a terrible scene and asks Dr Seward to tell "all about it." Do the same, by creating a report for the class.

Note, Mina now considers herself "unclean" and Jonathan's "worst enemy" (p303). However, she also makes a clear report of how she experienced the scene and how Dracula threatened to "dash (Jonathan's) brains out" if she resisted (p306)... and that he is frustrated that she is "playing her brains against his".

Can you also give parts of Dracula's speech (p306-307) to the class?

Chapter 22

Team FIVE: Milla's team

Jonathan Harker's Journal p 308 - 315

As the men eat breakfast to stay "strong" and comment on the fact that Dracula had "banqueted heavily".... (p315) they reflect on recent events and make plans. Can you create a summary for the class of their talks between p308 and 315?

Note, Mina now has the "devotion of a martyr" (p309).. and there is talk of "fighting Death himself." (p310), and so they make plans.

Team Six: Philo's team

After breakfast, they go out on a "terrible entreprise" (p315).

Can you summarise for the class the main elements of their actions (how they gained access to Carfax and then Picadilly house.. and made plans for the others) between p315 and 320.

Note, Mina is now marked until the day she will meet the Almighty with the trace of the wafer (316).

Homework for next week:

Complete the Google Doc, (link will be sent via MBN) with key quotes and action

Team 1:Ch. 23 (p321 -330) (8h10-8h20)

Team 2: Ch. 23 (p330-334) (8h20-8h30)

Team 3: Ch. 24 (p.335-342) (8h30-8h40)

Team 4: Ch24 (p342-349) (8h40-8h50)

Team 5: Ch25 (p350-356) (8h50-9h)

Team 6: Ch 25 (p356-365) (9h10-9h20)

Mrs C: Ch. 26 (p366-383) (9h20-9h35)

EVERYONE: Chapter 27 (p384-402) (9h35-10h)

At 10h, we should have finished our first read through of Dracula.

We will study the information in the Appendix after the holidays. 

Remember, First week back:

Thursday 27 Feb.: Kay Bac. Blanc papers returned

Friday 28 Feb. : QCM/Multiple choice test on knowledge of Dorian Gray and Dracula (only information inside novels, not class work).


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